Sunday, June 16, 2013

Our beautiful day S&M

Salam dan Hello everybody,
How are you? What is everybody up to this fine weekend? 
New place to eat? Movie night? Packing ? On the way back to college for final semester? or just simply resting? As for me, I'm here chillin at my in-laws for few days while my husband is away for a short course.

Eventhough this may sound like a cliché' , I really felt that time goes by so fast. We are already in the month of June 2013. It is not long since we heard about the 2012 'apocalypse' and how Kim Kardashian got knocked up by Kanye West as well as how American's choose to have Obama runs for another year or just the sad story about wars and human rights that never seems to end. I just hope all of you have an amazing year in 2012 and throughout this year 2013. 2012 held one of the highlight in my life, MY WEDDING DAY. Here are some of the pictures :)

My very hand made guest book :)

The simple hantaran from my side, all made by my dear Mother with fresh flowers :)

Alhamdulilah, dengan sekali lafaz.

My nikah dress is design and made by my mother.
And my makeup was done by my own super talented beautiful sister.
A simple royal icing chocolate moist cake 

The beautiful photo booth made by my amazing super talented Gengkaras. I love you guys :)

My wedding dress was also design and tailored by my wonderful mother. She also made my half moon shawl to match with the dress.

I am so grateful and thankful to have a wonderful family and friends who are very helpful, supportive and generous. Thank you so much for making our wedding day such a memorable chapter in my life. Especially my Mother and Makyung who have struggled to make my big day such a beautiful day. I never forget my family, my parents,my aunts and uncles, my siblings and cousins and my friends for helping me to have and experience such a wonderful wedding day. Only Allah S.W.T can repay all of you. 

Today, we have been together for six months. Alhamdulilah. May Allah bless our relationship and make it lasts until Jannah. May our love make us become more closer to Allah S.W.T and his Jannah. InshaaAllah Amin. The next chapter will be me making my way to motherhood. Please pray for me ok.

Before I end up my post tonight, for those who still searching or haven't met the one, let us ponder to this words.

Remember, Allah S.W.T first. Mari sama-sama kita belajar. 

Till then,
Love always 

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