Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Why took you so long?

Salam and hello there.

It took me like forever to write a new post. It has been like 8 months since my last post. Well, in the past 8 months, there is a lot of things going on...LIKE GETTING MARRIED AND BEING PREGNANT. Haha, just few days back, a junior of mine told me that she read my blog and that I didn't seems to update it. Well, the first thing that I felt was at least there is someone who even care to read my blog. Thank you so much :)

The day of Akad Nikah. Being married is awesome!

Ok, before I start writing and posting stuff, I need several information first about blogging.
1. What is the type of audience that would read my blog?
2. What kind of material that my audience would like to read?
3. What type of material that would capture my audience intentions? 

It is so much like a research questions right, but I need to identify these so that I could improve my way of blogging and writing my minds out :) For me, I like to read blogs about beauty,DIY ,scrapbooking, self-motivation, day to day problems, celebrities and facts that most of us didn't know. I love to read blogs that easy for me to understand such as the use of simple language and it would be better if there's images or pictures. Sometimes I just like to look at pictures rather that reading the post. So, it depends on the audience itself.

However , by the end of the day, this blog should reflect about me, my life and my thoughts. So I am glad If I could share beautiful things with you guys (who read this blog) . It must not just be original me but the good one :)

Ok then,
till my next post,
Rock on and be courteous :)

Marhoney @ Mummy to be 

1 comment:

  1. akhirnya... hehe.. kak mar dah mula menaip balek.. haha.. semoga baby sihat2 dgn mamanya.. jaga diri..
